How Complex is the Complexity of a Concept in Exploratory Search

KELLE PEREIRA, CRYSTIAM ; MEDEIROS, JERRY FERNANDES ; SIQUEIRA, Sean W. M. ; NUNES, BERNARDO PEREIRA . How Complex is the Complexity of a Concept in Exploratory Search. In: 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2019, Maceió. Los Amitos: IEEE, 2019. v. 19. p. 17-21. doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2019.00008

How Complex is the Complexity of a Concept in Exploratory Search


Crystiam Kelle Pereira (UNIRIO)
Jerry Fernandes Medeiros (UNIRIO)
Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira (UNIRIO)
Bernardo Pereira Nunes (ANU & UNIRIO)


Exploratory search is a specialized form of information retrieval and discovery. The main aim of the exploratory search is to investigate given information domain to acquire knowledge about it – that is, to learn something about that domain. The level of difficulty of information can affect the learning process and its success. Information with low complexity and relative ease may be uninteresting to learners, who might find it tedious and unrewarding. On the other hand, information with high complexity and difficulty can demoralize learners who perceive it as being impossible, triggering feelings of anxiety. Whether too complex or not complex enough, the seek for information can result in little or no learning. This paper aims to (i) identify features that indicate the complexity of the information represented by a concept; (ii) analyze the features in order to provide a coherent sequence of concepts that balances complexity and learners interest; and, (iii) discuss the challenges, difficulties, and validity of sequencing concepts based on features that indicate complexity. The results show that diversity and variety of concepts as well as detailed semantic descriptions and relations act as indicators for the ideal order of presentation of the information.


Learning complexity, Concepts sequencing, Exploratory search


doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2019.00008