Modeling Exploratory Search as a Knowledge-Intensive Process

TIBAU, MARCELO ; SIQUEIRA, Sean W. M. ; PEREIRA NUNES, BERNARDO ; BORTOLUZZI, MARIA ; MARENZI, IVANA . Modeling Exploratory Search as a Knowledge-Intensive Process. In: 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2018, Mumbai. Los Amitos: IEEE, 2018. v. 18. p. 34-38. doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2018.00015

Modeling Exploratory Search as a Knowledge-Intensive Process


Marcelo Tibau (UNIRIO)
Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira (UNIRIO)
Bernardo Pereira Nunes (PUC-Rio & UNIRIO)
Maria Bortoluzzi (UniUd)
Ivana Marenzi (L3S Research)


Searching as Learning and Information Seeking require exploratory search to be modeled for supporting learning. The present paper introduces a model of exploratory search that was applied on web searching in language teacher education, which promoted its evolution and validation, and enabled a visualization of search pattern and learning process. This model was able to help clarify best practices associated to users’ decision-making process regarding suitable and not suitable information and to capture the relevance of context variables, personal skills and expertise that users utilize as filters for the search.


Exploratory search, Knowledge-intensive Process, Web searching, Search pattern, Search decision-making process


doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2018.00015