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CFP: Human-AI Interaction in the Era of Digitalization @ SBSI 2021


The 2019 Coronavirus pandemic has changed the lives of communities and organizations. For a very long time, digital technologies usage was limited to more restrictive and specific tasks, e.g., following weather conditions or chatting with colleagues. As new usage has been explored, most of them unthoughtful in the period pre-pandemic, these technologies have become fundamental […]

CFP GoodIT 2021

ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2021) 9-11 September 2021, Rome, Italy Scope GoodIT 2021 will focus on the application of IT technologies to social good. Social good is typically defined as an action that provides some sort of benefit to the general public. In this case, Internet connection, education, and […]

CFP ACM Hypertext 2021


The hypertext paradigm has transformed the way we store and transfer knowledge and how we think about information and access it. We access the same sources via multiple devices, ranging from smart watches and smart phones to laptops. Information and transactions become ever more visual, with video increasingly replacing traditional text-based web pages. Particularly, we […]

SBSI 2021


O Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI) é o encontro anual da comunidade de SI da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), constituindo-se em um evento para a apresentação de trabalhos científicos e discussão de temas contemporâneos na área de Sistemas de Informação, aproximando estudantes, pesquisadores, profissionais e empresários da comunidade de Sistemas de Informação.

CFP: HICSS-55 (2022)

The Hawai’i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) invites submission of: • Papers • Applications for Pre-Conference Doctoral Consortium   Important Dates for Paper Submission June 15, 2021 | 11:59 pm HST: Paper Submission Deadline August 17, 2021: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection September 22, 2021: Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for Publication October 1, […]


The European Conference on Information Retrieval is the prime European forum for the presentation of original research in the field of Information Retrieval. ECIR 2022 is seeking high-quality and original submissions on theory, experimentation, and practice of information retrieval. Topics of Interest ECIR 2022 encourages the submission of high-quality and original papers on the theory, […]

CFP LAK 2022

General Call COVID-19 Statement As we plan for LAK22, COVID-19 is still a serious issue for many globally. We realise that a fully face to face event for everyone is unlikely given the current global nature and ongoing impacts from COVID-19 and organizers are constantly monitoring the situation. That said, LAK22 Organizers are exploring two […]


  IMPORTANT DATES July 5, 2021 Submission of track proposals July 19, 2021 Notification of acceptance/rejection of track proposals July 26, 2021 Submission of track CFPs to the Program Chairs October 15, 2021 Submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts October 25, 2021 Submission of Tutorial Proposals November 20, 2021 Notification of Tutorials Acceptance […]


Timissoara , Romênia

We invite submissions across 25 conference tracks, including our theme track: “New Horizons in Digitally United Societies.” Track N°1: THEME | Conference Theme Track Track N°2 GENIS | General Track Track N°3: AIISRP | Artificial Intelligence in IS Research and Practice Track N°4: AIDW | Artificial Intelligence and Digital Work Track N°5: BABD | Business Analytics […]

CFP: SBSI 2022

Curitiba , Brasil

1a Chamada de Trabalhos XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação Sistemas de Informação para um Mundo mais humano Proceedings publicados pela ACM e indexados pela DBLP 16 a 19 de Maio de 2022 Curitiba - Paraná (organizado pela UTFPR) Site: TRILHA PRINCIPAL A área de Sistemas de Informação (SI) busca soluções para problemas do […]


AI in Education: Bridging the gap between academia, business, and non-profit in preparing future-proof generations towards ubiquitous AI. The conference sets the ambitious goal to stimulate discussion on how AI shapes and can shape education for all sectors, how to advance the science and engineering of intelligent interactive learning systems, and how to promote broad […]



EDUCOMP 2023 - Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação 24 a 29 de abril de 2023 - Online Website: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATAS IMPORTANTES Envio de resumo (Abstract): 10 de outubro de 2022 Envio de artigo completo: 17 de outubro de 2022 Notificação de aceitação: 09 de dezembro de 2022 Submissão da versão final do artigo: 23 […]

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