ChatGPT for chatting and searching: Repurposing search behavior

TIBAU, M. ; SIQUEIRA, S. W. M. ; NUNES, B. P. . ChatGPT for chatting and searching: Repurposing search behavior. LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH, v. 46, issue 4, p. 101331, October 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.lisr.2024.101331

ChatGPT for chatting and searching: Repurposing search behavior


Marcelo Tibau (UNIRIO)
Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira (UNIRIO)
Bernardo Pereira Nunes (ANU & UNIRIO)


Generative AI tools, exemplified by ChatGPT, are transforming the way users interact with information by enabling dialogue-based querying instead of traditional keyword searches. While this conversational approach can simplify user interactions, it also presents challenges in structuring effective searches, refining prompts, and verifying AI-generated content. This study addresses these complexities by repurposing traditional search tactics for use in conversational AI environments, specifically to support the Searching as Learning (SaL) paradigm. Forty-five adapted tactics are introduced to aid users in defining information needs, refining queries, and evaluating ChatGPT’s responses for relevance, utility, and reliability. Using the Efficient Search Tactic Identification (ESTI) method and constant comparison analysis, these tactics were mapped into a stratified model with seven categories. The framework provides a structured approach for users to leverage conversational agents more effectively, promoting critical thinking and iterative learning. This research underscores the importance of developing robust search strategies tailored to conversational AI environments, facilitating deeper learning and reflective information engagement. Additionally, it highlights the need for ongoing research into the design and evaluation of future chat-and-search systems.


  • This study identifies 45 repurposed tactics for LLMs like ChatGPT, enhancing search and learning in conversational AI.
  • Qualitative study analyzes how traditional search tactics adapt to improve user interactions with LLMs through comparison.
  • The ESTI method categorizes these tactics into seven groups, reflecting unique aspects of user and AI interactions.
  • A framework, grounded in theories and literature, presents a user-system interaction model for conversational AI.
  • The model highlights conversational AI’s role in fostering learning, critical thinking, and iterative information use.


ChatGPT; Large language models (LLMs); Searching as learning (SaL); Search tactics; Search strategy adaptation; Conversational information systems


doi: 10.1016/j.lisr.2024.101331