Understanding the Negative Effects of Social Networking Mobile App Notifications on the Attention of Young People and Adults: A Systematic Literature Mapping

XAVIER, Charles; CATALDO, Wendy; WOLFGAND MATSUI SIQUEIRA, Sean; GARCIA, Ana Cristina; MELLO, Carlos. Understanding the Negative Effects of Social Networking Mobile App Notifications on the Attention of Young People and Adults: A Systematic Literature MappingIn: 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 57. , 2024, Honolulu/Hawaii. Proceedings […]. New York: University of Hawaii, 2024, p. 5554-5563. Available at: https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/items/20771f0f-4a28-4905-bf35-4bcd2a0a8efb

Understanding the Negative Effects of Social Networking Mobile App Notifications on the Attention of Young People and Adults: A Systematic Literature Mapping


Charles Xavier (UNIRIO)
Wendy Cataldo (UNIRIO)
Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira (UNIRIO)
Ana Cristina Garcia (UNIRIO)
Carlos Mello (UNIRIO)


Social networking apps exert a significant influence on contemporary society, particularly among the younger generations. Consequently, it is imperative to investigate young people and adult´s interaction with these technologies, while identifying the challenges. Previous research has examined the usage of social networking apps, with a specific emphasis on their impact on human cognitive abilities, including memory, concentration, and learning. This Systematic Literature Mapping aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the state of knowledge regarding the effects of notifications on social networks on the attention spans of individuals between 11 and 29 years old. The study initially considered 653 papers identified in 5 key repositories, selecting 24 papers during the review process. Additionally, it presents solutions proposed by researchers to address these challenges, shedding light on the diverse data collection and analysis methodologies employed in each research endeavor. Notably, a consistent consensus emerges from the reviewed studies underscoring that the mere presence of smartphones affects participants’ attention levels. Furthermore, these notifications have been shown to have a tangible impact on cognitive functions, encompassing reasoning ability and working memory, thereby emphasizing the importance of understanding and mitigating these effects.


Attention, notifications, social networks, mobile applications, cognitive functions.


Available at: https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/items/20771f0f-4a28-4905-bf35-4bcd2a0a8efb