Games with Purpose Development Methodology by Ludology Laboratory

MANGELI, E. ; CLASSE, T. M. ; MACEDO, H. ; MARQUES, P. ; COSTA, L. M. ; PARREIRAS, M. ; SILVA, F. ; XEXEO, G. B. . Games with Purpose Development Methodology by Ludology Laboratory. In: ABSEL Conference, 2022, Pittsburgh. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conference, 2022. v. 49. p. 161-171. Disponível em:

Games with Purpose Development Methodology by Ludology Laboratory


Eduardo Mangeli (UFRJ)
Tadeu Moreira de Classe (UNIRIO)
Horácio Macêdo (UFF)
Pedro Marques (UFRJ)
Lincoln Magalhães Costa (UFRJ)
Marcus Parreiras (UFRJ)
Farmy Silva (UFRJ)


This article presents the formalization of the methodology used by members of a Ludology Laboratory to develop games with purpose. The methodology consists of a five-step process: Conception, Project, Development, Evaluation, and Packaging, and also by the tools and practices used during the execution of its tasks. It was defined by considering experiences of lab members while creating ludic artifacts, other works that also propose processes for this very same end, the study of documentation created during game development within the laboratory, and the logs of these processes. Three examples of the usage of this methodology are shown. This work hopes to contribute to developing new methodologies for designing serious games, which have greater dynamism and collaboration between those involved, whether they are researchers, programmers, artists, or game designers.


Games with Purpose, Ludology, Games with Purpose Development Methodology, Serious games


doi: 10.1016/j.lisr.2022.101222